

This is the foundation of our company, our reason for being. Mahatma Gandhi said “Be the change you want to see in the world”. We are doing this.

Initiatives such as recycled plastic, FSC approved sustainable cardboard, hydro power, filtered effluent. We are sticking our head above the parapet to be the change.

We might get knocked down, we might make mistakes but we know it’s the right path. We are committed to making it better, keeping it going and telling our story to as many people as possible.

We want to share our wins and our losses. So that anybody who wants to embark on a similar journey, can learn from ours.


We upcycled a derelict linen mill in the village where we are from in Ireland. The fact that an existing mill has been repurposed has had a hugely positive impact on our carbon footprint. We have upgraded and improved the existing site where necessary in order to comply with GMP and to ensure that the site operates efficiently.


We are members of Repak which is the Irish “Green Dot” program. This is one of the most widely used recycling symbols on packaging and it means that we have contributed to the end recovery of our packaging.


Our plastic bottles are manufactured using 100% recycled (PCR) plastic material which is also fully recyclable. We believe that just being recyclable is no longer enough. Although there are significant cost implications for us we simply do not wish to add to the amount of microplastics that are already in existence.